Another of my best friends from college got married in July!
Rana 新增一些結婚照

Rana came back for a short one-week visit (honeymoon?) with Jonathan. Their schedule was tight, but fortunately I could meet them last Wednesday around 9pm right after they arrived Taipei from their two-day visit to Taroko Gorge.

From past meetings with Rana (mainly once a year…), I've always imagined Jonathan as a caring, creative and fun person. And he really is! It's so easy to talk with him, with my poor English conversational skills…(my Chinese is not much better though).

We had nice Japanese food at會津屋 (新生南路巷口)and had some drink at 蜜園. Jonathan ordered Mango & Carrot juice, which we thought quite weird at first, but when Rana and I took a sip of mangocarrot juice, WOW, it was good! I'll definitely recommend it to anyone with a mixer.
(Joanne saying: "Mangocarrot!")

Then we went walking a bit in NTU campus, I was a bit embarrassed to show our renowned Drunken Moon Lake….which is more of a pond (well, Taiwan is a small island, so let's just look at things Lilliput style).

I really enjoyed talking to Rana and Jonathan that night in front of Hiao-fu Commissary (Why小福樓is translated “commissary”…是因為承包的關係嗎?). I like the life-style they are having, close to natural environments with few technology disturbances such as TV and Wii. Were it not for me having to work the following day, I really wanted to spend more time with them! But had to say good-bye after midnight, for R & J must be also tired from the walks in Taroko trails.

I'm writing like a third-grade student writing a composition homework…through my clumsy English, I just wanted to say I had a really good time chatting with the Rana and Jonathan. They really make each other complete, and I really like this couple, they are so easy-going, sincere and creative people. I hope next time their visit could be longer!


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